This is a post about the new FATEplay release, annoying little magicians and magic wands (that don't vibrate). FATEplay is on a roll and it already has a new release inspired by your favorite little magician with nerdy glasses. The new outfit is called "Henry" and it comes in many versions so you can use it both as a simple school uniform and as an aspiring sorcerer's outfit (see them all here). I'd pull my wand out (yes, it includes a magic wand of fireball awesomeness) but I'm a Harry Potter hater so I will stick to my plain school boy's life. Credits and Slurls to follow.
Skin : ~Tableau Vivant~ Nathan skin - Tone 6
Eyes : IKON - Ardent eyes - Blossom
Hair : ::Exile:: - Tidal
Glasses : [Steinwerk] - Alphabeat glasses
Outfit : FATEplay - Henry "NEW"
Shoes : ISPACHI Mesh - Mason Brogues
Bag : ~Tableau Vivant~ (past arcade item)
Poses by CnS
Location : Rougham
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