Be thankful guys for Berry's Monday memes or you would be getting a lot more boring walls of credits! This time I'm going to answer a bunch of weird questions that any stalker would like to know. Before that though I want to say I did a little happy dance when I saw Mr. Truth finally decided to make hair for guys (you can see it in the pic above)...about time!
- Which was the last sim you visited? : Baja Norte beach, to do the aforementioned pic
- Does your avatar look like the real you? It definitely looks better! I try to maintain some resemblance like facial shape, stubble, skin tone but I could do with my AV's six pack and the ability to have full body tats at whim!
- Do you wear underwear underneath when out and about on the grid? Usually commando, except that one time in that strip club with the animal print (don't ask).
- If you won a million linden dollars what would be the first thing you buy inworld? Probably land to setup my own store and making it a sim for photographers/bloggers.
- Have you ever bought something and then realized afterwards that you had already owned it from before? No. My inventory is a totally unsorted mess but somehow I have avoided that.
- Have you ever done anything in Second Life that would be considered illegal in real life? Indecent exposure, all the time.
- If you could go on a date with any other avatar who would it be? My FAlt in the making, she understands me.
- Who in your opinion is the greatest avatar to ever SLive? Philip Linden, since you know...he made this.
- What is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done inworld? NSFW stuff in the wrong IM box, more than once too.
- If your avatar had a mind of its own, what would you think it would say to you? "Dude...shave."
And now credits!
Skin : ~Tableau Vivant~ Nathan skin - Tone 5
Hair : TRUTH - Jon "NEW"
Eyes : IKON - Ardent eyes - Blossom
Necklace : [MANDALA] -Gyatei "NEW"
Shirt : Redgrave - LQM t-shirt "NEW"
Shorts : FATEwear - Steve "NEW"
Pose by Diesel works
4 comments → Truth for boys and some weird questions
Haha your FAlt that is cuuute, and prolly drama free too ♥
Dammit! Look at you choosing your falt and breaking all the girls' hearts! :P
@Livvy she looks scary noobish right now but she will get cuter lol
@Berry I'm sorry! But if any girl is interested in her I 'm sure she's down for it!
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