You probably know it already but if you live under an SL rock, know that Arcade is open once again! This round has more creators than any of the previous and loads of cool stuff to feed your gacha addiction. It took me two days to finally enter the event grounds due to it being constantly full, which says something about its success. As always there are various gacha yard sales where people can look for that elusive rare or put up for sale their spares, after all trading is part of the fun of a gacha, right? The first item to grab my attention was this really cool scooter by What next, available at the gacha, with so many color options and various different versions too ( some of them rare of course). Grab the SLurl below and try not to go broke!
Skin : ~Tableau Vivant~ Nathan skin - Tone 5
Eyes : IKON - Ardent eyes - Blossom
Glasses : Reek - Park Shades
Hair : Exile - Revolver
Ears : [MANDALA] - Stretched ears-Omimi
Shirt : AITUI - the Seer's Tower "NEW"
Pants : not so bad - BASS jeans "NEW"
Shoe(s) : Entente - Rayon Shoes "NEW" @ faMESHed June
Scooter by What Next "NEW" @ Arcade
Pose by CnS
2 comments → About Arcade and scooters
Which hair base are you wearing in this picture. It's beautiful! :)
Thank you,it's from Aitui, forgot to add it in the credits.
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