Yet another event post, since organizers seem to be hyper this time of the year! This time it's about Fantasy Fair 2013 (Relay for Life event), a fair bringing different looks than most of the "casual clothing" events. The fair opens on the 20th and the pretty neat outfit you see above is part of FATEwear's release for it. Being the SW nerd I am, I grabbed my lightsaber and used the outfit for a Jedi knight look, but I'm sure it will fit any of your fantasy looks. Stay tuned with the event blog for more details and SLurl and may the force be with you!
Skin : Clef de Peau - Simon "NEW" @ MWFW 2013 (opening Apr 19th)
Eyes : ~Tableau Vivant~ Galaxy eyes "NEW" @ Gallery gift shop
Hair : Dura - Valentine's (group gift)
Ear gauges : - .HoD. - Neon Punk Gauge "NEW" @ Gallery gift shop
Outfit : FATEwear - Feredir "NEW" @ Fantasy Fair
Pose by CnS
Listening to some DARTHstep!
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