I was just drinking my Saturday morning coffee, sitting on my desk trying to find a title for this blog post when I remembered Berry posted a new SL blog meme during the week. Problem solved, now I have a title and also the opportunity to reveal my grumpy "old man" side to you! The new meme is called "my SL pet peeves" and it's pretty self-explanatory, list the five things you hate the most in your second life. Grumpy rant to follow!
- Random "Hi" messages : Whoever has me in their plurk friends has probably seen me whine about this more than once. Seriously though if you are someone I don't know or have never interacted with (plurk, flickr), DON'T message me in SL with a plain "Hi, Hello, Hallo, Allo" or whatever. Do you go and stand in front of strangers in the street just saying "Hi" and then stare at them in RL??? I bet not (and if you do seriously don't message me ever, you are a creeper). State your business and I will most likely, happily reply.
- Mass Teleport spam : I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that. We all have (or had) that one (or more) annoying friend in our list who probably works as PR in a SL club and constantly sends out mass TP's to all of his/hers list. Well guess what dumbo, I don't care if that awesome DJ is spinning right now in your club, that's what group notices are for! When I see an IM from you, I expect it to be an actual IM to me and not some random TP. First step (after telling you) is hiding, second step, delete (likely the latter).
- Text speech : If you message me with something like this " Hi, cn U teL me whr U got ur shape? I wnt it lols!" I will ignore you. All I see is "Curjsallfm%43%5246" gibberish, learn to type. By the way that was an actual message I got recently.
- People who can't read : From experience and lot of profile perving they may fall into the above category too. That's another major pet peeve of mine, when I clearly state in my profile that in case of failed deliveries or requests (from people I don't have in my FL), you should contact me with a NOTECARD , you simply adhere to that simple written rule and do it! If you want to be a rebel (YOLO) do it your way, but you will definitely be ignored.
- Bling : Not much to say about that one. Maybe the SL thug life chose you blingy dude/chick but I'm sure I didn't choose to have it in my screen, instant derender.
Skin : ~Tableau Vivant~ Ryan skin - Tone 5
Eyes : IKON - Ardent eyes - Blossom "NEW"
Hair : Exile - Jackson
Facial hair : [CheerNo] - BEARD.07/Unorthodox - Full beard
Ears : [MANDALA] - Stretched ears-Omimi
Shirt : FATEwear - Taylor "NEW"
Shorts : FATEwear - Steve "NEW"
Shoes : *GF* [Mesh] Deck Shoes -brown-
Tattoo : AITUI - When the beast
Stools by Trompe Loeil
Coffee tray by What Next
Skybox by Scarlet Creative
Pose by CnS
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