This is the second meme I'm doing in just a few days, I must be sick! Once again picked up from Berry's blog (she is on a meme roll lately), it's called "the procrastination meme" and this time I'm going to copypaste ten questions you never actually asked me and I will post the answers to them so I can call all of you nosy. I can't be a total procrastinator though so I'm also going to post a pic (it may be above the text but I wrote that before I posted the pic) of me dressed all fancy, wearing the new Jeremy skin from Fruk available at Skin fair '13. Rant and credits to follow.
- What is the rez date for your current SL Avatar that you use most often? Alex1985 Diabolito
July 15, 2009 - Where was the first place you made friends as a newb and got to know people in Second Life? Back in my noob days SL search would display places by highest trafic. I ended up in some nude beach sporting an awesome black speedo from the freebie dungeon, getting bitten by "Bloodlines" vampires (yes vamps in a beach) like crazy.
- Where do you spend most of your SL time now? Cyn city shopping sim on my sky platform
- Who is your closest friend in Second Life? (only pick one) Eve Leroux
- What is the most favorite thing in your inventory? (only pick one) Ugh, I have way more than just one but if I have to choose I 'd say my facial hair layer from Cheer No, it never comes off.
- The last thing you purchased in Second Life? A neat leather chair from HANDverk
- What color clothing does your avatar wear most often? Brown
- Do you prefer to walk, run or fly? Walking, because I look cool like that
- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done in SL? I once went to a noobie kind of sex RP place, where most males were wearing "Call me Master" tags, with a tag saying " Master tags are stupid". It didn't end well. I've also shot people with sperm bolts coming from an awesome huge sparkly penis, I have in my inv (not copypasta from Berry, true story). I'm mostly boring though.
- Who would you like to play YOU, in the movie of your SLife? Joseph Gordon-Levitt but he'd have to stop shaving for a few days
Skin: Fruk - Jeremy "NEW" @ Skin Fair
Eyes : IKON - Ardent eyes - Blossom "NEW" @ The Boutique
Hair : Exile - Jackson
Facial hair : [CheerNo] - BEARD.07/Unorthodox - Full beard /EMO-tions:. - *LENNART* beard
Ears : [MANDALA] - Simple ears
Suit : FATEwear - Edward
Pose by CnS (soon to be released at upcoming Pose Fair, March 29)
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