This is a post about red coats of badassery, key necklaces, layer clothing and a tad bit of nerdiness. I have to confess that I have become a total mesh snob over the past year, I 've deleted most of my old layer stuff and it's been more than a year since the last time I 've worn any kind of layer clothing. So you can imagine my frustration when this neat coat's name gave me an idea for a nerdy look and there was no way I could pull it off by wearing a mesh tank on the inside. Of course the new coat from FATEwear comes with its own shirt and tie to match with and they look awesome but I didn't want to clean up that much for the look I had in mind. So I resorted to the unthinkable, wore a random basic layer tank (after digging really deep in my inventory) and I have to say layer clothing is still good for something after all! The other item I wanted to focus on is this really cool key necklace from Tableau Vivant available at this month's faMESHed. I'm always excited to see more male/unisex mesh accesories and this one is an excellent piece! Credits and linkage to follow.
Skin : ~Tableau Vivant~ Nathan skin - Tone 6
Hair : Dura - Boy 42
Eyes : IKON - Ascension - silverleaf
Eye make up : KOSH - Too much stress
Coat : FATEwear - Dante "NEW"
Pants : FATEwear - Brad
Necklace : ~Tableau Vivant~ Keyring necklace "NEW" @ faMESHed August
Boots : [Gos] - Triumph Boots
Belt : Lapointe & Bastchild (edited)
Location : Ghostville
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