This is a quick post about a new event, beach volleyball, poses and butts. Pose events are amongst my favorite (as a photographer/blogger I'm always in need of them) and since they are kinda rare, I was happy to learn that TLC has a new event on the works. Poser Pavilion has opened its doors on the 25th (until July 5th) and its full of summer-themed pose goodness. This beach volleyball set you see above is WetCat's item for this round and since I couldn't play by myself, I asked Eve's butt to come join me for an 1on1 (which would still be impossible to play IRL but oh well...). The cool thing about this prop is that it includes multiple poses in it (so you can use it for a group pic) and it even lets you pick the team you want to join! Grab the taxi below to check it out.
Taxi to Poser Pavilion
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